Friday, March 27, 2009

weekly update

Happy Friday! Just wanted to share a few new Cole things from the week and another yummy Cory dinner.

First, Cole.
  1. He has a couple of new favorite songs -- Row Row Row Your Boat (which he likes to sit on the floor, hold hands, and rock back and forth) and Itsy Bitsy Spider (he actually does the hand motions to this one pretty well)
  2. He's getting better at using silverware, I think in part because they encourage it at day care. This morning he ate a whole yogurt with his spoon and only got a little bit on his bib. Pretty good!
  3. He had his first bad fall. It was at day care and he fell of the stairs coming out of the sand box. He's got quite the bump on his forehead, but he's tough!
  4. He has his first chore, although we didn't give it to him. He loves feeding Farley, our cat. Actually, its on the verge of being an obsession. Which is great because the poor cat gets basically no attention and we have been known to forget to feed him, but not now! Cole's on it.
  5. Lots of new words these days and he's starting to string some together. My mom was chasing him around saying "I'm going to get you" so now he says "get you" and he says "hi daddy" and things like that.
  6. I'm happy to report that day care is getting better and better, which is a huge relief. And Cole has been sleeping like a champ. Yay!

And now for Cory's meal of the week. Sesame chicken and rice, we got the recipe from our new favorite gluten-free site. Yumm.

1 comment:

Klinkhammers said...

Great recipe. I think this is what is making Cole so smart these days!I checked out your gluten free site and you must know that your dinner looks MUCH more delicious than the one on the site! Yummmmm!