Monday, April 27, 2009

Dr. Badger

Cole is finally back to healthy after a week of being sick with a whole bunch of stuff including pink eye, an ear infection, and a 103 degree temperature. For a couple of days he pretty much just slept all day, had no appetite and was understandably quite whiny. No fun for any of us! After we got some antibiotics in him (which was NOT an easy job -- he fought the medicine like crazy), it wasn't long before he was back to his energetic self. My mom brought him this baby doll as a get-well present, which Cole likes to give medicine. We made up a medicine song to make taking medicine seem like fun (it didn't really work) so he sings it when he wants to give the baby medicine. Just like Cole, the baby gets medicine in her ears, eyes, nose and mouth. Good job, Dr. Badger.

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