Wednesday, June 4, 2008

update on life with Cole

Cole is determined to learn how to crawl. And he's getting closer every day! Currently he does this inch worm type of move, where he gets his butt way up in the air, and then pulls his knees underneath him, and thrusts himself forward. I've got to get that on video. He's also gotten really good at pulling himself up on things. And has discovered the magazines underneath our coffee table. He likes to pull them down and then tries to eat them. He'll try to eat just about anything. He likes to eat!

Which brings me to the next photo. A close up of Cole from dinner tonight. His favorite food seems to be sweet potatoes. We've been making our own at home, which is super easy and I think they taste better than the jarred variety.

And I had to include a photo of Cole in his Badger onesie. Thanks to Aunt Olivia for this one. So very cute!


drygoods said...

oh my, so adorable. Cole is really starting to look like his mama - love it and really hope we can see you guys soon!!

Erin said...

Ollie did the same inch worm thing! He is also Loving sweet potatoes, we make all our own food, the hated the jarred kind when i tried it last week, though he will eat them if i mix them will a little rice cereal or oatmeal.

It is so so much fun when they start crawling and learning how to get down when the pull themselves up. a lot less consoling of head bumps!

Shahnaz said...

Cole is just growing up so fast and so perfectly! It's so fun to watch him grow and change. What a perfect little person he is.

Klinkhammers said...

Such determination. Gotta love that. I love that sweet little BADGER look.xoxoxoxo Grandma