Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Cole is getting more and more into imagination play, which is fun to watch. Recently he has been going to a lot of meetings and going to work. I guess it only makes sense since that's what we are usually doing when we're not with him. The other morning he told me he was leaving to go to a meeting with Quincy. Tonight he informed us that he was going to work, at which point he promptly when and got his tool bench and stool, sat down and began to hammer. "I'm working," he said. And then began explaining the steps to whatever he was making. "First you ...," he rattled off. I often can't quite follow his conversations with himself, but love to listen nonetheless.

And, related to work, here's one I took a while back of Cole actually at work with me. He loves spending time at Madison Ave - lots of fun stuff to play with and always sweet treats.

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