Saturday, November 28, 2009

Favorite reads

I've decided to start trying to post regurlary on what Cole's favorite books are, more for my record than anything, but maybe you'll find one that you haven't heard of before that you'd like to pick up!

Books around here tend to cycle in and out of the favorite rotation every week or so. And when it's a favorite, we read it over and over and over again. I'm always happy when a new book is introduced and accepted! For the past week we have read the following three books at least once/day, probably more like 2-3 times each.

"I Stink" by Kate & Jim Mcmullan. A book about a garbage truck, perfect for a 2-year old boy! His favorite page is the one that shows a picture of a dirty diaper ... mmmm. Thank you Auntie Sarah!

"Go, Dog, Go." by P.D. Eastman. The copy we have is a much loved one from when I was little. According to my mom this was my all-time favorite. Cole's favorite page shows all the cars heading for the big tree. And he also likes to role play the "Do you like my hat" scene.

"Quiet Loud" by Leslie Patricelli. Another good one from Aunt Sarah. Cole seems to like the "snow is quiet, lightning is loud" page best. Not sure why, maybe because it has been raining so much here?

And to close, a cute photo of Cory and Cole reading. Awwww ...

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