Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve festivities

On Christmas Eve we headed over to Lebanon in the early afternoon to celebrate with the Badgers. Lots of fun visiting, eating, and opening a few gifts. Cole was pretty into the gift opening, more so than I thought he would be. He especially liked the curly ribbon!

Malia got him an OSU Beaver that sings the fight song and an OSU Mr. Potato Head.

A cute snail from Keala, Tim and Devon.

PJs from Aunt Laurie. Much needed!

When he wasn't eating or opening gifts, he was exploring. Yvonne loves Christmas so the house was full of decorations, many of which are antiques, like this cupboard full of vintage santas. He actually was really good, but he was curious and liked to get up as close as possible to see what was going on. I don't blame him! There was a lot to look at.

After a few hours in Lebanon, we got back in the car and headed to Corvallis for a Christmas Eve party at Nathan and Kristas. We had a blast! The kids played, played, played while we ate and drank delicious martinis.

Opening gifts from Nathan and Krista.

Playing with his new barn, that he LOVES!

The boys playing with their trucks from the Colliers.

We tried to get a good photo of the cousins, but as always, it wasn't an easy task. First on the couch, and then on the stairs after we got them changed into the Christmas jammies.

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