Wednesday, August 20, 2008

mornings with cole

Any parent (especially moms) will agree with me, I'm sure, when I say that getting ready is never the same once you have kids. Especially when you're getting ready for work with a limited amount of time and no one there to help you.

Here Cole is entertaining himself in the bathtub, which was a great place for him to play until he learned how to turn on the water.

and figuring out that unrolling the toilet paper is so much fun. And I just stood there and let him do it while I took the photo. Hmmmm....I'm not saying that any of these photos display great parenting.


Erin said...

that's too funny! Oliver likes to play with the toliet paper after a bath, but he unrolls it then rolls it up again, over and over...

Sarah said...

This post is the ABSOLUTE truth! Getting ready is never the same after you have kids, we can't make it on time anywhere. Have to love it though, one day we'll be wondering what to do with that extra time.