Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Cole's first Christmas

There is something magical about Christmas when there's a child in the house. Even though Cole had no idea what was going on, Christmas just felt more special this year with him in our lives. We hosted Christmas Eve at our house and had both families over for dinner which was followed by opening a whole lot of presents. Cole got so many nice things -- toys, clothes, books. He is such a lucky little guy to be surrounded by such loving family. Here he is happily snuggling with Grandma Badger.

Cory and I both got lots of lovely gifts as well. Kind of random, but Cory got two bobbleheads this year, which we all thought was pretty funny since he'd never owned one before. One is Dwight from The Office and the other is Jacoby Ellsbury (OSU baseball alum who now plays for the Red Sox).

On Christmas morning we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa K's house for breakfast -- cinnamon rolls, eggs and bacon ... YUM! Cole was such a happy baby that morning and didn't even fuss too much when we put his hat on.

That is until Grandma K started asking him about Santa. He didn't like that at all. What a sad little face! But still so darn cute.

Grandma redeemed herself by snuggling and holding Cole in his favorite position.

We took a break from opening presents to talk with the East Coast Klinks. Wish that we were able to celebrate the holidays with them in person. It would be so much fun to have all the cousins together. Maybe next year!?!?!

We spent the rest of the morning and into early afternoon in Lebanon at the Badgers house. After that we came home to relax and play with our gifts and to enjoy the time together. One of the best gifts of all is that Cory was off the whole week of Christmas so we had lots of family time. Thank you to everyone who helped to make Cole's first Christmas so special. We love you all!

1 comment:

nklink said...

Nice pictures! What fun! How do you like the new lens? -Nathan