Friday, March 20, 2009


Thanksgiving is probably my favorite holiday and one of the things I enjoy the most is taking time to reflect upon all of the things that we have to be thankful for. It's not Thanksgiving, far from it, but I feel the need today to give thanks. I'm thinking this should be a more regular post on the blog, maybe every Friday? We'll see.

Today I am thankful for:
  1. A good week at day care! As I shared in the previous post, the first couple of weeks were tough for Cole at his new day care, but every day this week was a good one. He seemed much happier, although he still cries in the morning, but by the time I get around the corner he stops.
  2. Clients like Antigone, who surprised me with a hanging basket as a thank you for all of my work in helping her launch her new business. It's amazing how far those types of simple gestures go!
  3. Cory, who is not only a wonderful husband, but an amazing dad. My schedule has been nutty these days with lots of meetings early in the morning and into the evenings, and Cory is so great about doing whatever needs to be done.
  4. Fridays (and soon to be Mondays) with Cole. No explanation needed there, really. It is a blessing to be able to combine work and family life in a balanced way.
  5. The Little Gym. Cole and I had our first class this morning and it is AWESOME! He loved it and it was fun for me, too.
  6. The sun! We've had some beautiful afternoons this week, which has allowed us to get outside and play. Our neighborhood is full of kids, so when the sun is out, so are all of the kids and their parents. It's a great opportunity for me to catch up with some of the other moms, too.

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