Thursday, June 19, 2008

Camp Klink

Brittney is on vacation this week, so Cole headed over to Camp Klink to hang out with my mom, Krista, and the kids. Never a dull moment over there, that's for sure, and he had a blast! Trying to keep up with his cousins meant that he had to step in up a notch with his crawling. He's definitely gotten a lot faster over the past couple of days. He moves like an inch worm across the floor and every now and then actually gets his knees underneath him. It's pretty funny to watch. We'll need to get that on video soon before he transitions into full-on crawling. I know I've said it before, and I'm sure I'm going to say it many more times, but I just feel so lucky to have the rest of the Klinks in Corvallis. Alex and Cole are becoming little buddies, and it's so dang cute.

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